A few weeks ago, we wrote a blog around the changes that Instagram announced regarding its newsfeed structure. The news changes meant that the newsfeed would incorporate an algorithm formulated timeline meaning that content would no longer be chronological. It would be based on user interests, previously liked posts and the relationship to the person who is posting. The changes were said to be rolling out within ‘the next few months’. It appears that time is now.


Instagram believe that users miss 70% of posts, so it claimed that by putting in this algorithm-based newsfeed in place, users will not miss the posts that matters most to them. Apparently, the best posts should be waiting for users when they wake up.

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Despite many users being unhappy with the prospect of this and publicly voicing their concern on social media, some Instagram users have now started to see a change in their newsfeed. And although they have experienced the changes first-hand, many users are still displeased by this. Unlike the chronological feed which appeared to have an end point that you could catch up to, this new structure has no designated end point, so users can carry on endlessly scrolling without an end destination.

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Unfortunately, these new changes are also said to give prominence to advertisements, and this appears to be quite noticeable, something which we believe will be increasingly unpopular as this newsfeed rolls out to a larger audience.


For more information on these changes, you can read about it from the Guardian here.