Screenshot culture: are you sure you want to share that?

We’ve all done it at some point. Whether it’s screenshotting a message that you’ll need to refer to later on, […]

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Are you a digital addict?

At Collaborate Bristol 2017, we watched a plethora of talks all designed to provoke thought into the way we operate, […]

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Are you being lazy with your influencer marketing?

With the rise of social networks we have seen the emergence of a new breed of celebrity – the ‘Instafamous’. […]

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Out of tragedy comes social strength

It has been said that out of every tragedy comes strength – a sentiment that as a nation we were […]

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Station Rd launches WhatsApp channel

Cardiff-based communications agency, Station Rd. has announced the launch of its new WhatsApp channel. The integrated communications agency has created […]

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Text 1 to vote for your next Prime Minister

Before, and duly arrived at the question: ‘Does the way we market politics in the UK need a re-fresh?’. In […]

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Social Media and Reality: You know they’re not always the same thing, right?

As a marketing agency, we are constantly expressing the importance of social media to our clients and the impact it […]

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Is storytelling important in business?

Mankind has been telling stories for centuries. Myths, legends and fairytales are simply stories passed from generation to generation as […]

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Do pre-meditated ‘random’ acts of kindness really make good PR?

As a nation, overall we’re a pretty altruistic lot. Annual events like Children in Need and Comic Relief are now […]

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Virtual Reality – Marketers, Take Note!

Virtual reality (VR) is very much still in its infancy as a technology, and in many ways is yet to […]

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Beat the January blues: it’s time to get ahead

January can be a difficult month. Many of us are still feeling the sting of Christmas financially and are patiently […]

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How to market Christmas: Christmas advertising from our beloved brands

What heralds the ‘start of Christmas’ is many different things to many different people. For some, the festive season is […]

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SEO – You know you need it, but why?

The benefits of SEO are now so vast that knowledge of it as a principle has become a crucial part […]

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Cardiff marketing agency celebrates double nomination

Cardiff-based agency, Station Rd. Marketing is celebrating two Welsh award nominations this week. The full service marketing agency has been […]

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The influencer effect – using online influencers to promote your brand

Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular concept in recent years, with many iconic brands turning to influencers to help […]

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Dom McGregor Social Chain

Our latest Q&A in the Station Rd series comes from Dom McGregor, who is COO of Social Chain. We asked […]

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Gary sandwich on Giraffe Bread please

Thanks to social media, communication between brand and customer is now instantaneous and bi-directional. Nowadays, brands can see exactly what […]

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Jo Hind Make Yourself

Our latest Q&A in the Station Rd series comes from Jo Hind, who is Managing Partner of Make Yourself. We […]

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Keeping up with Instagram

Instagram has implemented many changes so far this year, some of which have been received positively and others, not so […]

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Prepare yourself for the iPhone 7 Launch

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, I’m sure that you’re now aware that Apple […]

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